Yoga, meditation & pranayama

What is it…? 


There has been so much written in the media and the internet about Yoga it would take me for ever to fully explain all the different aspects of this ancient art.  Yoga can be taught in class or on a one to one basis.  Below is just a sample of the important aspects for you to digest for the time being: 

Western cultures interpret the general term 'yoga' as a series of physical postures, which in Eastern terms is actually known as 'hatha yoga'.  In India, for example, Yoga is more likely to be perceived as an all-encompassing lifestyle including moral codes of conduct, healthy eating, devotional practices and meditation.

As I have learned many things in life are a circle and Yoga seems to be no different for me.  It is like I have come full circle in my journey, now I am about to start out at the beginning again but with a completely different attitude to Yoga and most importantly to life! 

My teaching has shown me many amazing things especially all the people I have meet so far on my journey through this world.  Their love and openness to practice Yoga with me has at times been very moving.

I now see that we are all students in Yoga and life just at different points along its ever twisting road.  So I will be forever in debt to all my wonderful Yoga teachers who very patiently watched over me on my journey.

A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for………."

So here is to all of us sailing our ships on the great ocean of life.

Just a few of the different aspects of Yoga….



The Yoga of breathing.  Prana is to Yoga what electricity is to modern civilisation.

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