

Our doubts will never vanish through thinking,

Nor through theorising, Nor through speculation, Nor through discussion

Nor will doubts disappear by not doing anything

All defilements will vanish through developing the heart, Through right practice only

Oneself is master of oneself, who else can the master be?

By the training of the self, One finds a master hard to find


Damp shelters of our primitive ancestors, lit only by the flickering of a campfire, at day's end there was a time for recollection and stillness that would help to fuel the next days events. Since the beginning of human history, the still point has served as the birthplace of all our activity. Virtually every creature on this great earth practices the backwards steps of quieting down and entering this still point.

Birds, Beasts, Bugs, and fish all seem to find time in their daily existence to relax and recreate- to bring forth the flower from what what Whitman man called the "sea of perfection"
For us humans, relaxation is much more elusive, and even though It's benefits are widely known, they are rarely appreciated. In the field of science, studies have shown that when the body is relaxed and free of tension, and the mind is not grasping at Falls, remarkably physiological and psychological transformations take place. During deep relaxation, a persons respiration, heart rate, Blood pressure, and rate of metabolism all slow down to a stable resting place.
 Since 1924, researchers have been able to measure the electricity activity in the brain and have discovered that alpha waves are created when the brain activity is stabilised, as when a person is in a meditative state. Beta waves, on the other hand, are present when a person is engaged in physical or mental activity. Though all this is now common knowledge, particularly interesting and relevant to us are the residual effects of these waves.
While monitoring meditators, scientists found that Alpha waves produced in meditation often continue on when activity is engaged. The energy to perform the activity is there, but not the tension
Meditation in a variety of forms has been present worldwide since ancient times. A central spiritual practice for many of the great mystics, meditation has been used for both physical and spiritual restoration and as a potent preparation for strenuous undertakings.
The warrior takes a moment to center himself as he gets ready for battle, as does the athlete for competition, or the musician for a performance.
Meditation, in one form or another, has been intrinsic to most of the great religions of the world. Some traditions may have developed it more than others, but its presence is widespread and undeniable.


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